Teaching & supporting learning
- Skills education
- Learning activities & spaces
- Active learning
- Coaching & mentoring
- Motivation
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Teaching & supporting learning concerns guiding the learning process through learner-teacher interactions to achieve learning goals. This includes formal learning goals as well as learning goals of learners. Teaching and supporting learning may happen in a variety of formats, including lectures, small group sessions, supervision and mentoring.
Teaching & supporting learning covers the following subtasks:
Figure 1. Teaching subtasks
Utrecht University boasts a reputation for broad and interdisciplinary education. Student learning is at the heart of this, together with activating teaching. Activating teaching focuses on engaging learning activities and student involvement, with clear goals and valid assessments. To support teaching, the university offers teachers advice, good practices, and a wide range of courses on didactics, learning activities, digital tools, teaching in English, the international classroom, and more.
As a teacher, you orchestrate the student’s learning process. Learning is supported by the perspectives, explanations, activities and assessments offered in your classes, face to face or digital. Whether you want to motivate students in a large lecture hall, improve your presentation skills, or try out tools to integrate digital discussions or skills simulation in your classes, this Educational Database offers access to the various support channels within the university.
Beside information about educational innovation projects, e.g., how to use peer feedback or teach intercultural competences, the database also contains information about training courses and support. It is part of an infrastructure at Utrecht University that ensures innovation and exchange of educational expertise and ideas.
UU support on Teaching & supporting learning
To support teaching, the university offers teachers advice, good practices, and a wide range of courses on didactics, learning activities, digital tools, teaching in English, the international classroom, and more. The parties and initiatives listed below are key players in this.
- Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning (CAT) A network incorporating all partners within the university that work on the improvement of academic teaching. Teachers can come to the centre for information, support and training.
- Educational Development & Training (Onderwijsadvies & Training) Training and research institute that translates academic insights into the daily practice of teaching. Offers courses, expert advice, class observations and research support. Main partner for EMP and USO innovation projects.
- Educate-IT Part of the Centre for Academic Teaching. Focuses on blended learning and digital applications of teaching. Helps teachers to engage students through the use of IT tools and methods, such as knowledge clips, learning analytics, or online feedback. Offers tool guide, workshops, and online training courses free of charge for UU teachers.
- Educational incentive fund (USO) Funding established by the Executive Board to encourage faculty initiatives aimed towards quality improvement and innovation in education. Each year the board of the Centre for Academic Teaching selects topics for which project ideas can be submitted. To carry out projects, faculties can use their educational innovation budget – so-called EMP hours.
- Educational Resources Pool (EMP)
Each faculty receives EMP hours yearly, to be spent on educational development and support. Ten percent of the available hours per faculty are reserved for professional consultation for staff. - Centre for Research and Development of Education (UMCU) Expertise centre based at UMC Utrecht. Offers educational support in the healthcare sector for UMC Utrecht and third parties. Expertise includes topics related to curriculum design, practical and clinical training, test and assessment support, and selection procedures.
Further reading
- Active learning increases student performance (Freeman, 2014)
- Principles of instruction: strategies that all teachers should know (Rosenshine, 2012)
- Making the lecture a learning experience (Nilson, 2010)
- Best practices for engaging, academic teaching (Van der Schaaf et al., 2010) [Dutch only]